a reason to smile? Here’s one: Researchers at the University of Kansas found
that smiling can help lower your heart rate and keep you calm in stressful
situations—get this—even if the smile’s completely fake. That’s right, you
don’t even have to mean it and your heart reaps the rewards. The research team
stumbled on to this little discovery through a (somewhat bizarre) study which
involved 169 college students who were taught to hold chopsticks in their
mouths in certain ways. Part of the group held the chopsticks such that the
resulting facial expression looked like what’s called a Duchenne smile, a
genuine smile using muscles in the eyes and mouth; some of those subjects were
specifically told they looked like they were smiling. Then, while continuing to
hold the chopsticks in their mouths, the subjects were told to do all kinds of
activities, intended to stress them out. (I know, weird, right?) Reports CBS
During and after, the subject’s heart rates were recorded. Those who held
the chopsticks in a smile position, particularly those who held a Duchenne
smile, had lower heart rates after a recovery period than those who had neutral
expressions. Those that were told they were supposed to be smiling had a
slightly higher increase in decreased heart rate compared to the group that
didn’t know they were smiling.
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