Serotonin, sometimes referred to as the “feel-good hormone,” is essential to promote happy moods, improve feelings of well-being and stabilize your emotions. Although youcould resort to prescription medications to promote serotonin production, drugs come with their own problems and side effects. Instead, it makes more sense to look for natural solutions. Fortunately, a number of foods help up the production of serotonin and help improve your mood.
Foods Rich in B Vitamins
Often labeled as the “anti-stress vitamins,” B vitamins help stabilize your moods and ease anxiety. When your stress levels go up, it becomes more difficult for your body to keep up with the production of serotonin. Adding foods rich in B vitamins can help you fight stress and improve your mood. Foods rich in B vitamins include nuts, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, brown rice, dried apricots, asparagus and beans.
Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids
According to cardiothoracic surgeon Dr. Mehmet Oz, omega-3 fatty acids are brain-boosting and effective as an anti-anger supplement. They also help boost good moods and fight depression. Fatty fish such as salmon are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, but you can also find them in flaxseed, walnuts and soybean oil.
Foods That Contain Tryptophan
The amino acid tryptophan can help stabilize mood and promote healthy, restful sleep, according to MedLine Plus. Tryptophan is also necessary for the body to produce serotonin. Although tryptophan is sold as a supplement, you can also get it directly from foods such as eggs, nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, tofu and fish.
Foods Rich in Vitamin D
Vitamin D regulates your body’s usage and production of serotonin, dopamine and other mood hormones. The best way to get your daily dosage of vitamin D is through a combination of food and sun exposure. Dr. Oz recommends looking for vitamin D-fortified mushrooms. Other foods rich in vitamin D include fortified orange juice, fortified milk, sardines and Swiss cheese.
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