lundi 3 septembre 2012

The importance of drinking water

   The health benefits of drinking water have been known for millennia. But doctors are discovering more and more about the precise reasons for its health-giving power. Here’s a brief guide to some of the reasonswhy we now know a glass of water - or eight - is good for you each day. 
  • around  66 %  of  our  body  is  made  of water so we need it for our bodies  to  operate efficiently. The body’s supply of blood,muscles , brain and bones are all created with it so we need to keep the stuff circulating if we are going to function properly.
  • dehydration is dangerous because it means blood will have trouble flowing through the body. As a result of this your brain will function less well and you are more likely to suffer from tiredness.
  • if you don’t drink enough you leave yourself open to developing a range of kidney infections and even kidney stones.
  • water is good for your complexion - and your body because it eliminates toxins. It’s little wonder many women say that water is their best defence against aging. 
  •  water can benefit weight loss because as  the water flushes out toxins and keeps the body functioning properly, you will experience faster weight loss results. Water also fills you up which will stop you from snacking so often. 

   According to experts, to get the benefits of this we should be drinking about eight glass a day. But a lot of this can come from fruit, which contains a lot of water - and even a small amount of tea and coffee. Four or five glasses a day will give you a great health ,

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